Online Registration
BW Fireside Inn (Bistro Stefan)
1217 Princess St
Kingston, ON K7M 3E1

November 6, 2024

1. Approval of minutes of October board meeting and business arising 
2. Strategic plan and club priorities (Who does What, brief intro) (Trevor)
3. Board updates:
Treasurer (John Mirski)
Secretary (Fred)
 a) Youth & Vocational Service (Don Polk)
 b) Community service (Jennifer)
 c) International Service (Douglas)
 d) Club Service (MC, Randy on Membership)
4. Code of Conduct (pre-discussion chat)
5. Reminders:
- YEX inbound
- Jennifer Jones TRF dinner Nov 13
- next year’s executive
6. Other business 


October 9, 2024

Attending: Arja, Trevor, M-C, John, Jennifer, Don P., Fred

Minutes of September 11: motion to accept by M-C, seconded by Don; unanimous

President (Arja):
 Trevor launching a recognition “award” of a carabiner to members for special contributions to the club.
 Alerted us to the bingo account exceeding $10,000
 Following board meetings scheduled Nov. 6th (at acting Pres. Trevor’s discretion), Dec. 11th, and Jan. 8th
 Commencing January, weekly scheduling will be amended; see website for further info.
 The amended schedule will allow for food packing on 4th Wednesday of each month.
 V-P Trevor and club chair Randy to document new member process.
 Reviewed District action plan
 Tabling discussion of  “Code of Conduct” to board meeting in December.
 Past R.I. Pres. Jennifer Jones speaking at inter-club dinner scheduled for Nov. 13
 Club service director, M-C, planning a Christmas meeting/dinner, details to follow.
 Directors’ reports anticipated Nov. 6th.

Treasurer (John):
 Bingo proceeds, September, approximated $4,000
 Fall Fair raised $1,175
 An external contribution of $1,000 has been added to this year’s International budget

Meeting adjourned… moved by Don, seconded by Trevor; unanimous.

Next board meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2024.